Este es uno de los pasos con los que la Comunidad homosexual de Argentina intenta alcanzar la total igualdad de derechos de los ciudadanos, más allá de la orientación religiosa.
La oposición fue derrotada en la votación de los Senadores de la Nación, luego de una amplia y sanguinaria campaña de desprestigio de las personas homosexuales y la diversidad sexual de este país.
Al frente de esta campaña contraria a la libertad de las personas, estuvo la iglesia Catolica, con sus referentes y militantes, así como la ultra derecha conservadora
Argentina avanza hacia la plena vigencia de los derechos humanos y cada conquista hace que la represión y opresión de los grupos minoritarios, quede en el pasado.
This morning was approved by a majority, the amendment of existing legislation so that same sex can marry.This is one of the steps which the homosexual community of Argentina seeks to achieve full equality of rights of citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation.The opposition was defeated in the vote of the Senators of the Nation, after extensive and vicious campaign of vilification of persons homosexualesy sexual diversity of this country.Leading the campaign against the freedom of the people, was the Catholic Church, with its references and militants, and the ultra conservative right.Argentina moves to the full enjoyment of human rights and every conquest leaving repression and oppression of minority groups, remain in the past.
ResponderEliminarCongratulations, my dear Argentine brothers! Your strength and persistence and love for each other have finally been recognized and rewarded.
ResponderEliminarHere's hoping that each of you who wishes to find a spouse will do so soon, and the love you have for one another continues to grow!
We're still working on the law in California, but we will prevail, too
Thank you brother! I love your words!